Our marchandising tool focuses on how add-ons are managed and ranked, both in search results and in how the corresponding categories are displayed.
Search Bar results
The merchandising tool matches the search term and your add-on according to the following attributes:
- The name of the addon.
- The short description on the product sheet.
- The category name.
- The partner's name, if available.
The criteria on which the product ranking is based in the search results are as follows:
- Proximity and relevance between the search term and your add-on.
- The number of sales/downloads.
- The date of the last update.
- The add-on's rating and number of reviews.
Changes you should make
The elements you need to work on first are the addon name and short description. Also, make sure the rest of the product sheet is rich in information and includes all the important details about your add-on, in order to improve your conversion rate.
Ranking and categories
It should be noted that the user can, as before, choose to display results based on several criteria: relevance, new items, increasing or decreasing price, best ratings.
The default display, which is sort by relevance, is therefore based on the following criteria:
- The number of sales/downloads
- The date of the last update
- The add-on's rating and number of ratings received.
Can the ranking of my addons change?
Product rankings may change because they are based on dynamic criteria such as sales and downloads, reviews, and the optimization of product sheets.
What is the scoring composition?
Scoring composition (from most important to less important)
scoreA: Sales/downloads (1DL = 5 sales) of the last 3 months
scoreB: Date of the last update (Year - Quarter)
scoreC: Ratings
scoreD: Number of ratings